Like other have said, you'll need to launch saviine via the homebrew launcher. That's exactly what I did, and it worked like a charm.Also In Wii U USB Helper it doesn't show BotW in downloaded

I downloaded BotW and it doesnt have any.Open the Save Editor and select your save file slot. Wait until the title screen, then exit it. Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild Save File Editor GUI (WIP) A Work in Progress Save Editor, currently it only to modifies rupees, durability of weapons, arrows and modifiers.Launch your game and enjoy the imported save file Press the button once complete and return to the Wii U System Menu. Press to begin the backup, press to confirm and choose or to backup the pre-existing save data and wait for the process to complete.(Wii U) PB95 +1 ↺1 Progressbar95 Dino +2 Trash Me HL +2 Half-Life Baldi +2 Baldi's Basics BotW +1 ↺1 The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (WiiU) MKWii +1 Mario Kart Wii Sonic '06 +1 Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) L4D2 ↺1 Left 4 Dead 2 PPF ↺1 Puyo Pop Fever SC +1 Sven Co-o The Wii U console separates save files per user profiles for most games, so if you have your partner create a user profile on the system, then they should be able to have their own separate save.Home BotW Wii U save file Can I export my Wii U Breath of the Wild save file to a